CSDE Recommends: New Issue of the Journal of Family History!
Posted: 9/14/2022 (CSDE Research)
The Journal of Family History recently released its October issue! JFH focuses on historically based studies on family, kinship, and demography, featuring valuable contributions from Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Demography, Economics, Family Studies, Gender Studies, History, Law, Literature, Policy Studies, Political Science, Religion, and Sociology. This issue features two open-access articles: first, Katherine Parkin expounds on The Women’s National Abortion Action Coalition & the Abortion Tribunals, 1971–1972; second, Klara Kožar Rosulnik analyzes the migration experiences of Neža Gerkšič, a.k.a. Agnes Lacroix. The issue also offers up a range of book reviews that provide perspectives on a diversity of texts. Happy reading!